At Fellowship, we embrace servant as one of our core gospel identities. The Lord Jesus was a servant, and when we serve we are walking in his steps. Every year, our church has a church-wide serving event called "Fellowship Serves" where we step out of our comfort zone and give a Sunday morning to serving our city. Our gospel community groups looks for ways to serve one another and alongside one another. One of the most exciting questions a gospel community group can ask is, "What could it look like to serve our community or neighborhood?" Additionally, we ask every church member to serve regularly in some way. Below you'll find a list of ways that our church members can regularly serve both our own church body as well as our visitors and neighbors.
Fellowship Kids
It takes a lot of hands to fulfill our mission in Fellowship Kids. Whether you feel gifted to teach or are simply able to give of yourself to care for children two hours a month, there is a place for you in this ministry. If you are a member of Fellowship and would like to join what God is doing in Fellowship Kids, please fill out our volunteer interest form below.
Anna Koke

Setup Team
Each week, one of four setup teams converts the Portland Christian School into a space suitable for our worship gathering, as well as converts classrooms into spaces suitable for our Fellowship Kids ministry. We fondly refer to members of these teams as “transformers” and have a lot of fun serving Jesus in this ministry that is more than meets the eye.
Seth Hannan

Worship Team
The Worship Team is an umbrella team composed of smaller teams of musicians, techs, and coordinators that help facilitate our corporate worship services. There are always opportunities to serve on the worship team. If you are interested in serving in this way, please read the team document below which details our team expectations, culture, and mission. If after reading the document you would like to apply to join the worship team, then simply fill out the application linked below.
Todd Pellowe

Partner Ministries
The following are not ministries of Fellowship Church but are ministries in our city with whom our church partners in a significant way. Below you can read more about these ministries and ways you can be involved!
Refuge International
Refuge International partners with local churches to love refugees and immigrants. Opportunities to serve include: English mentorship, guided outreach to international neighborhoods, service projects, transportation needs, and more! For more information on how you can serve, please reach out to Michael or Jade Keenan via the buttons below, and also check out Refuge's website at
Michael or Jade Keenan

BsideU For Life
BsideU For Life provides support and hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those affected by unplanned pregnancies, walking beside them for life. Opportunities to serve include client advocacy, donation services, children's ministry, and more! For further information, please contact Lydia Borengasser, and check out Bside U's website at
Lydia Borengasser

We see a gospel presence on Louisville colleges and universities as vital to our gospel influence. And whether you are a GCG or an individual, there are many ways to serve alongside CRU, including hosting international students for meals and helping put together various events.
Lauren Barriger

Scarlet Hope
Scarlet Hope exists to share the hope and love of Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry. Ways to serve include outreach, meals, prayer, and more!
Emily Shockley

HighPoint Charitable Services
Fellowship Church families enjoy serving alongside HighPoint Charitable Services to deliver Thanksgiving Meals and Christmas Gifts to families in need.
Emily Pellowe